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St. James' School

& Church

Summer Fayre

8th July 2023

11:00 -14:00 

What is it for? For those of you who have not attended one before, this is a lovely joint community event where we can gather together to have fun, create memories, support local trades and to raise money for the church and the school.

This year the school PSA are raising money to go towards the creation of two outside classrooms, whilst the church is raising money to fund the development of .

What to expect... We have loads planned with lots of 20p games for the children, crafts, the famous chocolate tombola, a huge bouncy castle assault course - try your luck on the huge inflatable football darts board (prize for the highest score of the day), face and nail painting, reflex competition, lower playground fun, “Green” fancy dress competition; lots of other prizes to be won; as well as BBQ, sandwiches, cakes and other refreshments, ice-cream van, Slush Puppies and Pimms/drinks tent.

We have lots of local craft stalls selling some lovely handmade items, so please bring some pennies to support them, too. We have the second hand uniform stall along with children’s second hand toys and books, adult books, puzzles, plants, and other fun tombola's.

There will be a fantastic performance in the playground from local dance company ‘Blackwell Dance’ and Mrs Dodd’s choir will also be providing some beautiful music in the church.

Raffle Prizes... We have an amazing raffle with some really great prizes, so watch out for raffle tickets coming home in the children’s school bags soon. Please purchase your tickets and return them to school before the event with your name and telephone number on the back of each ticket! 

Raffle Prizes so far...

What help is needed? 


Donations...The 4 Fridays leading up to the fayre are when we ask for donations to be left under 'The Tree' at the 08:30 drop off. The categories of items to be collected on these days are:

Stalls... Finally, there is still time to ask for a sales table if you would like to exhibit yourself and we also really need some more raffle prizes if perhaps people could ask their work places...

All exhibitors and donators will be listed on the event programme and advertised on our Facebook page if they wish.£10 a sales table or FREE for any St. James’ pupil wanting to try their hand at selling their own crafts as we love to support young enterprise and they can make a donation on the day if they wish.

What is it for?
What to expect...
Raffle Prizes...
How You Can Help...

Contact Details...

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